Thursday, 2 March 2017

First World War

First world war was happened from july 28, 1914 to november 11, 1918.

Causes:- The causes of first world war are as under:-

  • Militarism:- This means the dangerous and burdensome mechanism of great standing armies and large navies along with an espionage system.
  • Narrow Nationalism or competitive patriotism:- The love of one's country demanded the hatred of the other. Love of Germany demanded the hatred of France and vice versa.
  • Economic Imperialism:- It led to international rivalries. Every country tried to capture markets in every nook and corner of the world. This led to bitterness and heart burning.
  • Anglo-German rivalry & the character of William II:- Anglo- German rivalry proved to be the main cause of world war I. Germany had become a great industral country and wanted to have more markets for trade.Germany was jealous of the colonial and naval Greatness of England. William II, emperor of Germany was very ambitious and wanted to gain influence in Turkey by linking berlin with baghdad by a railway line. This gave rises to a great rivalry between England and Germany.
                             William II was arrogant, haughty and ambitious. He wanted germany to be the strongest power in the world. He believed in the policy of "world power or downfall".
  • Lack of international organisation:- There was an international organisation to control international relation .
          Immediate cause:- The immediate cause of the war was the murder of Archduke Ferdinand who was the heir to the Austrian throne. He and his wife sophie were killed at Serajevo, the capital of Bosnia, an annexed territory of Austria, by a Serbian.The Austrians held government of Serbia responsible for the murder and ultimately attacked Serbia. There was strong Rivalry alredy between austria- Hungary and Serbia in the balkans.

   Course of war :- To begin with, Austria was in favour of local war but as time passed, the situation became more grave. Other countries jumped into the fray. Germany, austria- Hungary turkey and Bulgaria were on one side; they were called central powers.
On the other side were England, France, Serbia, Belgium, Japan and Russia; they were called the Allied powers.The allied power joint by Italy in 1915 and USA in 1917. The war started on july 28 1914 and ended on november 11 1918.

Peace Settlement (1919-1920):- The central powers were completely defeated by the allied powers and an armistice was signed on nov 11, 1918, followed by ap peace conference at Peris. The defeated countries were not represented at the peace conference. though the number of countries represented at the peace conference was 27, the terms of peace treaties were really decided by three countries- USA, Britain and France. The three persons who played the determining role in framing the terms of treaties were woodrow Wilson(president of USA), Lloyed, George (prime minister of Britain) and George Clemenceu(prime minister of France). After prolonged discussion , the treaty of Versailles was signed between the allies and allies and germany on june 28 1919. This Treaty rearranged the boundaries of Europe, and many new states - Polland , Czechoslovakiya,Yugoslavia,Estonia,Lithuania, etc were formed. William II, the German emperor , abdicated and took asylum in the Netherland 

                 The peace settlement of 1919 to 1920 has been severely criticised. The terms of the treaty of Versailles were harsh and humiliating for Germany.The peace settlement was based on the principal :-' To the victors belong the spoils and allies are the victors'. Meanwhile the many suggestions were made from time to time for the creation of an international organisation which could check wars in the future. at the instance of Woodrow Wilson, the president of America, the League of Nations officially came into existence of jan 10 1920. It's headquarter was fixed at geneva in Switzerland.      

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